The timeless American rock band, Journey, was formed in San Francisco in 1973 and many of its members, both past and present, still live in the city. One of Journey’s more popular songs, Lights, is seemingly an ode to the city by the bay, it’s spirit, it’s comfort and it’s energy. Although I have always been a fan of the artistic creation, it wasn’t until moving away from my hometown that I truly came to appreciate the “feels” of Journey’s music. Living in Texas for much of the last two decades, Journey’s connection to my hometown always seemed to make their music a bit more attractive, even sweeter, especially as I got older. In an odd twist of fate, I met Journey’s longtime keyboard player, Jonathan Cain, at a barbeque event a few years back. Turns out, we have mutual friends of mutual friends.

As I wrote in a previous post, I recently made the decision to move back to the city where I spent my youth, San Francisco. I spend the majority of my time where my journey began in Dr. Carole Hong’s practice, as well as a few days per week working with Dr. Susan Kim in the East Bay. Having moved away in January 2002, the evidence of change occurring in the Bay Area over the last 18 years was quickly evident – from the wider freeways to the taller buildings to the throngs of people in the once desolate corners of town. This place has changed, and without a doubt, so have I. My so-called track of life has gone through many twists, turns, detours, jug-handle lefts (if you’ve never been to New Jersey, look it up), and hairpin rights, but in the end, my route has brought me home. I’ve been here now almost two months and it’s still a bit surreal, but at the same time, my heart is at peace. Vision Therapy feels different, too. It’s hard to put into words how it’s different, or even what exactly is different, I just know it is. I can feel it. What was once my “at work” passion has become exponentially so, to the point where I really look forward to going to work. The joy in meeting new patients and hearing their stories was a highlight, after all, they are people first and I want to understand what makes them tick. But now, it’s like there’s a new energy behind it – or perhaps a greater energy – which fills me so incredibly and so wonderfully.  I wasn’t expecting my perspective to change like this, but it has, quite significantly.

My dear friend, Signe Brill (pictured above) carries with her both a historical significance and a motivating force in my life. Signe was my Vision Therapist when I was a patient in Dr. Hong’s back in the late nineties, then she was my trainer and cohort during my early days in this profession, and now that I’ve come home to the office where it all began she is again an incredible coworker, a motherly figure to all those around her, and most importantly, still an amazing friend. Signe truly is one of the greats, and the opportunity to work alongside her again is a gift which I do not take for granted, nor do I take it lightly. If you ever need to better understand the significance and importance of loving your patients, I invite you to spend a day observing Signe. Her passion for her job and deep seeded love for the people she serves is amazing, and leaves me in awe just about every day. She truly is an inspiration. And just so you know, the peg rotator Signe is sitting with is the same rotator she had me work with when I was her patient!

In a moment of reflection this week (you can probably tell I’ve had a few lately), I was thinking of all the great Vision Therapists I’ve had the privilege to work beside and learn from.  Along with Signe, great people like Linda Sanet, Melody Lay, Tom Headline, and Joseph Wakeland; people who personify what it means to care for a stranger, to offer a helping hand, to find a way to improve the lives of their patients, and to innately understand the value in showing a little love in their respective therapy rooms. Linda meets her patients “where they are”, then guides with gentle nudges and inspiring questions, Melody treats everyone as if they are family no matter their age or background, Tom has mastered simultaneous roles of both teacher and student, and Joseph utilizes his boyish charm to bring a smile and a laugh to his patients’ day.  These people, and a great many others, have all inspired me in their own way, and they are the depth and breadth of what makes our profession great.

Over this past week, one of our parents shared an email from her son’s teacher in which his teacher was expressing her excitement at the young man’s recent efforts, noting his significant progress in the time frame which he has been enrolled in Vision Therapy. A teen-aged girl who aspires to become an Olympic downhill skier decided to bare her soul during a difficult visual exercise, sharing quite candidly and emotionally her hesitation in returning to the sport she loves following a death defying fall which resulted in a serious concussion and its many related challenges. And then there is one of our adult patients, who in her late forties, decided it was time to address the exotropia about which she has always been self-conscious. They all have a story. They all need us to pay attention and do our best. They all seek a better life.

Those of you who have followed my blog for the last several years will know there was a time in 2018 when I questioned my place in Vision Therapy, as I wasn’t sure if my time had passed and the universe was encouraging me to move on.  Despite the aforementioned rough patch, I made the decision to stay and do what I’ve always done; find a way to put my heart into helping my patients. To show them the love and empathy they need during their journey to visual success. Not only am I now happy with the decision I made, but I will be forever grateful for the doors which have opened since then. It’s proof positive that anything is possible when you don’t stop believin’…

See what I did there?


3 responses to “The Smell of Wine and Cheap Perfume…”

  1. Elizabeth Christensen Avatar
    Elizabeth Christensen

    Welcome back to Cali! Loved your sentiment in this post


  2. Such a beautiful piece Robert! Love Journey and everyone loves that you’ve been like a breath of fresh air at our practice, and not to mention, that you came in the nick of time! I’m privileged to work with you and all of our other passionate therapists in our office. We are so very happy that you can call Family Vision Care and Vision Therapy your home again!


  3. Well done! Am happy for you and your old/new “journey”


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